Eco-friendly products for women only! • FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER 129€


Voice of Heart, or V.O.H, was born from listening to and allowing the heart’s voice to resonate. The heart’s voice is free. Free to turn even the smallest moments in life into masterpieces. Free from skin worries, chemicals, and plastics. Free to make choices that are wise, caring, and sustainable. Natural and solid handmade soaps, hair care products, and home spa products have been made by a family business in Estonia since 2014. The soaps are close to nature and easy for the skin to absorb because they are made using the cold process method: their production temperature is low, and it takes over 4 weeks for the soaps to solidify. This way, the oils retain their friends of beautiful skin – vitamins, nutrients, and acids. Each clay, oil, and aroma in V.O.H soap has its own story. They are selected based on the needs of different skin types and the specific purpose of each soap. V.O.H offers soaps for washing the face, body, hands, and feet.

Set of 9: Face, Hair and Body

natural Icon

The set includes 9 products:

V.O.H solid shampoo offers salon-quality hair care without plastic bottles and environmental harm! It contains amla (Indian gooseberry), organic argan and jojoba oils, and vegan keratin to nourish hair and scalp, promote hair growth, and restore natural shine. The aroma is provided by natural essential oils – lavender and rosemary.

V.O.H solid hair conditioner provides salon-quality hair care without plastic bottles and environmental damage! Soft, shiny, tangle-free hair without plastic waste! The conditioner contains B5 vitamin, organic avocado oil, and wheat protein to moisturize and detangle frizzy hair, leaving it healthy, soft, and smooth. The aroma is provided by natural essential oils – cedar, rosemary, and lime. Suitable for normal and dry hair for everyday use.

The travel case is made of 100% natural and biodegradable cork oak and is custom-made in Spain specifically for storing and carrying V.O.H solid products. The set includes 2 boxes, one round box for shampoo and a square one for hair conditioner. Take V.O.H solid products with you when traveling, exercising, or visiting water parks!

Your chosen cordless solid soap. Simply indicate your 1 favorite soap in the purchase order or let us choose!

Cotton bag for products.

Luffa sponges as a base for solid products.

Avocado lip balm is 100% natural, containing organic unrefined avocado oil, hemp seed oil, and nourishing candelilla wax. Lip balm contains natural organic lime and lemon essential oils, which have a health-restoring effect on the lips. Lemon and lime have a pleasantly fresh aroma. The balm, containing vitamin E (GMO-free) and cocoa butter, prevents dryness and cracking of the lips. The result is soft and intensely moisturized lips.



Komplekti kuulub 9 toodet:

V.O.H tahke šampoon pakub Teile salongikvaliteediga juuksehooldust ilma plastpudelita ja loodust kahjustamata! Selle koostises on amla (India karusmari), orgaanilised argaania ja jojobaõlid ning vegan keratiin, et toita juukseid ja peanahka, soodustada juuste kasvu ja taastada juuste looduslikku sära. Aroomi annavad naturaalsed eeterlikud õlid- lavendel ja rosmariin.

V.O.H tahke juuksepalsam pakub teile salongikvaliteediga juuksehooldust ilma plastpudelita ja loodust kahjustamata! Pehmed, läikivad, kräsuvabad juuksed ilma plastikjäätmeta! Palsam sisaldab B5 vitamiini, orgaanilist avokaadoõli ja nisuproteiini, et niisutada ja kräsused juuksed lahti harutada, jättes need terveks, pehmeks ja siledaks. Aroomi annavad naturaalsed eeterlikud õlid- seeder, rosmariin ja laim. Sobib normaalsetele ja kuivadele juustele igapäevaseks kasutamiseks.

Reisikarp on valmistatud 100% naturaalsest ja biolagunevast korgitammest ning on eritellimusel tehtud Hispaanias spetsiaalselt V.O.H tahkete toodete hoiustamiseks ja kaasas kandmiseks. Komplektis on 2 karpi, üks ümmargune karp śampoonile ja kandiline juuksepalsamile.

Kanna V.O.H-i tahkeid tooteid kaasas reisil, trennis või veekeskuses!

Sinu valitud ilma nöörita tahke seep. Märgi lihtsalt ostu tellimusse oma 1 lemmik seep või lase meil valida!

Puuvillane kott toodetele.

Luffa käsnad tahkete toodete aluseks.

Avokaado huulepalsam on 100% looduslik, sisaldades orgaanilist rafineerimata avokaadoõlikanepiseemneõli ja toitvat kandelillavaha.

Huulepalsam sisaldab naturaalset orgaanilist laimi ja sidruni eeterlikku õli, mis on huulte tervist taastava toimega. Sidrun ja laim on meeldivalt värske aroomiga.

Palsam, mis sisaldab E-vitamiini (GMO vaba) ja kakaovõid hoiab ära huulte kuivust ja lõhenemist.

Tulemuseks on pehmed ja intensiivselt niisutatud huuled.


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